McDonald's dominated, followed by the intertwined duo of Kentucky Fried Chicken and Subway that were switching position frequently. Next came Burger King and finally Taco Bell. Interestingly, the growth rate in Google-popularity seemed to decrease more and more from no. 1 to the last one: the field was more separated in the end than in the beginning. Let's show the country rankings for each chain, beginning with McDonald's:

The top 3 was Singapore, Australia and only then the US! How about KFC?

Singapore led again, then Hong Kong and Malaysia; the US didn't even make the top 10... Next, Subway:

This chain displayed a bit of a different pattern: 1. US, 2. Canada and 3. New Zealand. Still, Singapore was fifth. We moved on to Burger King:

The US loved this chain, followed by Germany and—you guessed it—Singapore. Finally, how did Taco Bell fare?

This time we had the US at the top again, then Costa Rica and Canada. Where was Singapore? In sixth place. Overall, Singapore was in the top 6 for all five chains while the US was in the top 3 each time except for its non-appearance in KFC's top 10.
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